Karina schneider

Personal Leadership & Team Effectiveness Coach
certified Mental Health First Aid Instructor [ensa]


For motivated, multi-faceted individuals facing personal and professional transitions. Powered by a values-based, agile mindset approach.


For remote teams needing to get productive quickly. High-impact, unique and experiential.


For organizations that want to embed mental health awareness and supportive action in their culture.


I coach driven individuals facing transitions to develop personal leadership so that they are in the driver’s seat of creating experiences coherent to their values and priorities. I use a values-based and agile mindset approach to coaching, because complexity and unpredictability are here to stay. The ability to empathize with oneself, to embrace change and to iterate on plans are essential to living a healthy and meaningful life.


In an increasingly complex and remote work environment, team productivity is often slowed down by challenges with communication, lack of early team strategy setting and time spent in dealing with constraints of virtual working.

The online Empathy Toy workshop is a high-impact, unique and experiential team intervention that strengthens virtual collaboration in less than 2 hours. Serving as a metaphor for real-life scenarios, teams work together to solve a collaborative puzzle game that is only successfully completed when players listen to and understand each other.

The true power of the experience comes from the conversations that happen after the game. Teams gain rich insights into how they deal with patience, frustration, and, most importantly, how they creatively communicate. The conversations also open up insights on personal and team leadership.

This is a great session for remote teams that are looking for a fun and impactful activity to open up discussions around communication, creativity, and collaboration in an online world.


In Switzerland, every second person will experience a mental illness once in their life. This makes it so important to recognise mental health problems early in others and to offer them help. ensa first aid courses equip participants to recognise someone in mental distress and to reach out and support them, even in a crisis. They are taught how to listen non-judgementally and with empathy, and how to signpost someone to appropriate professional help. Case-studies and role plays are used to ensure all participants have plenty of opportunity to practice offering mental health first aid.